237% Increase
Since the website relaunch the organic traffic has increased 237%, with users visiting more pages and spending an average of 3x longer on each page.

A new vision from
Alibaba founder Jack Ma
Throughout its history as a resting spot for pilgrims, a family home and a profitable vineyard, Château de Sours has always been closely tied to the land. In 2016, the estate, vineyard and surrounding land located in the Entre-Deux-Mers region of France were revived by Alibaba founder Jack Ma with a new vision.
Inspired by ecosystem and equilibrium, we highlighted the harmony of all the moving parts.

Mirroring the offline experience online

The site was crafted with care to ensure a consistent desktop and mobile experience. Through photographs, large hero headlines and educational text, the website makes digesting crucial brand information easier to understand.
We utilized parallax scrolling to create the feeling of depth within the site, building interest and engagement.

A writing style with an equally vivid, concise natural tone devoid of pretension
Our approach to copywriting followed the same principles we applied to the website’s design – helping bring to life the Château de Sours brand through words and express its vision for sustainable living, working and growing and its continuing efforts to initiate innovation in winemaking.

Photographs selected were critically assessed to ensure they captured the emotion of each unique feature of Château de Sours.